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Understanding the Genesis and Habitat of Petroleum Petroleum System

role of depositional sequences to petroleum system
Hydrocarbon machine 

        Magoon and Dow (1994) : PETROLEUM SYSTEM is
    a natural system that encompasses a pod of active source rocks and all related oil and gas and which includes all the geologic elements (source, reservoir, seal, overburden rocks) and processes (trap formation, generation-migration-accumulation) that are essential if a hydrocarbon accumulation is to exist. The essential elements and processes must occur in time and space.
        Petroleum system : elements + processes
        elements : petroleum source rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, and overburden rock.
        processes : trap formation, generation-migration-accumulation of petroleum, and preservation of accumulation.

Extent of Petroleum Sytem
        Geographic : a line that circumscribes the pod of active source rock and includes all the discovered petroleum shows, seeps, and accumulations that originated from that pod
        Stratigraphic : include rock units or essential elements within the geographic extent (source rock, reservoir rock, seal rock, overburden rock)
        Temporal : geologic time of elements and processes of petroleum system

        Petroleum System Name
     Source – Reservoir (degree of certainty)
        Degree of certainty
      (!)   =  proven (geochemically)
      (.)   =  hypothetical
      (?)  =  speculative
        Examples :
      Pematang – Sihapas (!)
      Tuban – Kujung (.)                                                                                                                                                         
      Gumai – Muara Enim (?)

Source Rock Geochemistry
        Definition of source
        Organic preservation in sediments
        Source rock depositional environments
        Source rock characterization
Source Rock
        What kind ?
        How rich ?
        How mature ?

Roles of Hydrocarbon Source Rocks
        Petroleum is generated from organic-rich sediments (source rocks) containing organic matter originating from biological materials. During burial of sediments, the increase in temperature results in a series of geochemical reactions which leads from biopolymers to geopolymers, often collectively called kerogen, which are precursors of petroleum.
        The amount, type and composition of petroleum generated is dependent upon the nature of the organic matter in the source rock and its maturity governed by its time/temperature history.

Kinds of Source Rocks
        Active source rocks : a volume of rock that has generated or is generating and expelling hydrocarbons in sufficient quantities to form commercial oil and gas accumulations. The contained sedimentary organic matter must meet minimum requirement of organic richness, kerogen-type and organic maturity.
        Spent source rocks : a volume of rock that has generated, possibly a long time ago, its hydrocarbons and now contains thermally altered organic matter.
        Potential source rocks : a volume of rock that has the capacity to generate hydrocarbons in sufficient quantities to form commercial oil and gas accumulations, but has not yet reached the state of minimum hydrocarbon generation because of insufficient organic maturation.

        Kerogen (from kerosene generator) is defined as the organic component of source rocks that is insoluble in common organic solvents and aqueous alkali (NaOH solution). The soluble portion of the organic matter is termed bitumen or total soluble extract (TSE)
        Kerogen is of complex biological origin; it is derived from dead organisms whose organic remains survive the early stages of diagenesis and lithification. This biological origin is frequently apparent when kerogen is analysed by microscopic or chemical techniques. It is derived from the lipid, lignin, protein, and carbohydrate portions of organisms.

Source Rock Depositional Environments
        Lacustrine source rocks
       freshwater lakes
       saline lakes
        Paludal source rocks – freshwater marshes
        Paralic source rocks – marine-influenced, salt marshes
       siliciclastic paralic source rocks
       carbonate paralic source rocks
        Deltaic source rocks
       upper delta plain (freshwater delta top)
       lower delta plain (brackish-saline delta top)
        Marine source rocks
       enclosed restricted basins
       continental shelves
       continental slope and rise

Preservation of Organic Matter
        The principal control on organic richness is the efficiency of preservation of organic matter in sedimentary environments.
        Three factors affect the preservation (or destruction) of organic matter :
§  the concentration and nature of oxidizing agents
§  the type of organic matter deposited
§  the sediment-accumulation rate
               Of these, oxidizing agents are probably the most crucial factor.

Factors Enhancing Preservation
        Stagnant basins : density stratification with O2-poor bottom waters
        Oxygen-minimum layer (OML) : the rate of oxygen consumption exceeds the rate of oxygen influx
        Restricted circulation : presence of shallow and deep silling, coal swamps (poor water circulation, high influxes of organic matter, diminished bacterial activity.

Source Rock Characterisation
        For a source rock, the characterisation is designed to test :
       its richness
       the type of petroleum it is likely to generate
       its maturity
        Techniques / analyses for characterisation include :
       TOC (total organic carbon)
       Rock-eval pyrolysis
        Source potential of S1 (P1), S2 (P2), S3 (P3)
        Tmax  ºC
        Hydrogen Index (HI)
        Oxygen Index (OI)
        Production Index (PI)
        Potential Yield (PY)
       Visual examination of kerogen concentrates
       Extract analysis
       Maturity evaluation (SCI, VR)
       Gas chromatography analysis
       GC-MS analysis
       Carbon isotope analysis

Rock-Eval Pyrolysis
        S1 (P1) (ppm) : free HCs released when furnace temperature is 250ºC
        S2 (P2) (ppm) : HCs cracked from kerogen when furnace temperature is 550ºC
         S3 (P3) (ppm) : carbon dioxide released during early stages of pyrolysis
        T max ºC : maximum temperature of S2
        HI (hydrogen index) : S2/TOC (mg/g) or ratio of released HCs to organic carbon content
        OI (oxygen index) : S3/TOC (mg/g) or ratio of released carbon dioxide to organic carbon content
        PI (production index) : S1/S1+S2
        PY (pyrolysis yield) : S2 (ppm) or total of HCs released during cracking of kerogen compared to original weight of rock
        Source potential : S1+S2
        Tmax, HI, and OI are each functions of both maturity and kerogen type.

Reservoir Rocks
        A subsurface porous and permeable rock body in which oil and/or gas is stored (Tver & Berry, 1980).
        For a rock to act as a reservoir it must have pores to contain the oil or gas (porosity), and the pores must be connected to allow the movement of oil and gas (permeability).
        A petroleum play is defined initially by the depositional or erosional limit of its gross reservoir unit.

Porosity and Permeability
        Porosity : amount of void space in a rock (% voids per bulk volume). Reservoir porosity affects the reserve of a prospect or play.
        Permeability : ability of a rock to transmit fluid through pore spaces. Reservoir permeability affects the rate of petroleum flow during production.
        There is no necessary relation between porosity and permeability. A rock may be highly porous and yet impermeable if there is no communication between pores. A highly permeable sand is usually highly porous.
Depositional environments : deposition of reservoir sediments
Depositional environments : deposition of reservoir sediments
Sandstone and Carbonate Reservoirs
        The primary porosity and permeability of sandstones are dependent on the grain size, sorting and packing of particulate sediments. Many siliciclastic reservoirs have a strong diagenetic overprinting that modifies the depositional porosities and permeabilities (like presence of authigenic clay minerals in the pore space will reduce porosity).
        Carbonate reservoirs are characterized by extremely heterogeneous porosity and permeability on a number of scales. These heterogeneities are dependent on the environment of deposition of the carbonate facies and on the subsequent diagenetic alteration (dissolution, dolomitization, fracturing, recrystallization, cements).

Glacial Environment
        Environments characterized by deposits on continents, in lakes or in seas, resulting from the melting of ice masses.
        Glacial deposits do not constitute potentially good reservoir rocks. This is related to the, generally, high amount of fine materials (silt and clays) present in the deposits.

Alluvial Fan Environment
        A continental environment characterized by coarse sediments, shaped like an open fan, deposited by an emerging mountain stream with an outlet into a plain or broad valley.
        Alluvial fan deposits are not generally reservoir rocks for petroleum because they fail to connect laterally to source rocks, do not contain good source rock facies, are not sufficiently extensive laterally, do not have proper seals, have low permeability and porosities.

Desert Environment
        A continental environment characterized by deposits resulting from wind action (aeolian). Three aeolian subenvironments : dune, interdune, sand sheet.
        Aeolian deposits are complex, heterogeneous reservoirs due to : lateral discontinuity, impermeable and permeable alternations, various permeabilities and related textural changes causing low transmissivity across laminae, isolated reservoir.

Braided Stream Environment
        A continental environment characterized by deposits resulting from a river system of an interlaced network of low sinuousity channels.
        Braided river deposits may constitute potentially good reservoir rocks up to 30 % porosity and permeabilities of thousands of millidarcys.

Meander Stream Environment
        A continental environment characterized by deposits resulting from a river system of high sinuousity channels generated by a mature stream across its flood plain on a gentle slope.
        Meandering river deposits may constitute potentially good reservoir rocks up to 30 % porosity and permeabilities of thousands of millidarcys, but they are laterally restricted. They often contain their own source rocks (plant debris, peat, lignit, coal).
Delta Environment
        A transitional environment characterized by sediments that have been transported to the end of channel and deposited at the margin of the standing water (lake, sea, ocean).
        Deltaic sands have generally good reservoir rocks up to 35 % porosity and permeabilities of thousands of millidarcys in mouth bar deposits, the permeabilities are still good. Due to general coarsening upward, reservoir qualities are better developed towards the top; this is contrary with fluvial deposits which are fining upward. Deltaic reservoirs are being close proximity to potential sources. Growth faulting is common, structural and stratigraphic traps are abundant.
Shallow Marine Siliciclastic Environments
        Environments characterized by detrital deposits in moderate water depth (10-200 m), or on nearshore continent, under tides, waves, wind, longshore currents, or storms as dominant sediment-moving forces. They include deposits such as : estuarine, tidal flats, intertidal sand bars, storm deposits, barrier islands, beach ridges, shorelines.
        Sand bodies have, generally, good reservoir characteristics. Their volumes depend on each depositional facies
Shallow Water Carbonate Environments
        Environments characterized by carbonate deposits generated by biochemical processes in shallow water (< 100 m).
        Carbonate rocks can have good reservoir characteristics depending on the importance of diagenetic effects. When dissolution has occurred, the porosity and permeability are very high. Other diagenetic effects reduce the porosity. The permeability is often related to the presence of fractures which occur frequently in such rocks. Carbonate reservoirs can be very thick and have a large extension. Source rocks are often close to the reservoir rocks. Cap rocks are composed of either shale or anhydrite beds.
Deep Sea Clastic Environment
        Environments characterized by sediments deposited in a large body of water below the action of waves, resulting from sediment gravity flow mechanisms.
        Due to the general immaturity of the sands, their characteristics are often moderate to poor. The permeability increases from distal to proximal fans. Distal sands constitute sheet-like beds with no vertical permeability. Proximal sands can be thick, with good vertical permeability, with a shoestring shape. Overpressures are often observed.

Roles of Topseal
It influences migration routes taken by petroleum fluids as leaving petroleum source rock (laterally- or vertically-focused migration system). Geographic extent of seal rocks defines the effective limits of the petroleum system.
Definition and Class of Seal Rock
        Seal Rock = rock that has pore throats too small and poorly connected to allow the passage of hydrocarbons (Downey, 1994).
        Sealing = restriction to secondary migration (Allen and Allen, 1990).
        Two important classes of seals occur in a petroleum system : (1) regional seals that roof migrating hydrocarbons and (2) local seals that confine accumulations (Ulmishek, 1988).

Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (1)
        Lateral Continuity
        Burial Depth
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (2)
        Lithology : caprocks need small pore sizes, so the vast majority of caprocks are fine-grained clastics (clays, shales), evaporites (anhydrite, gypsum, halite) and organic-rich rocks.
        Other lithologies such as argillaceous limestones, tight sandstones and conglomerates, cherts and volcanics may also seal, but they are globally less important, and are frequently of poor quality and geographically of limited extent.
        Caprocks of world’s giant oil fields : 60 % shales, 40 % evaporites; world’s giant gas fields : 66 % shales, 34 % evaporites (Grunau, 1987)
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (3)
        Ductility : capability of being stretching without breaking
        Ductile lithologies are less prone to faulting and fracturing than brittle lithologies.
        Ductility is a particularly important requirement of caprocks in strongly deformed areas such as fold and thrust belts.
        A high kerogen contents appears to enhance the ductility of shale caprocks. Many source rocks, therefore, also serve as seals.
        Ductility is also a function of temperature and pressure. Ductility generally can enhance in HTHP condition.
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (4)
        Thickness : a thick caprock substantially improves the chances of maintaining a seal over the entire prospect.
        Thin caprock may have sufficient capillary pressure to support a large HC column (a clay shale with a particle size of 10-4 mm will have capillary pressure of 600 psi – Hubbert, 1953, theoretically can hold an oil column of 3000 ft); but thin caprocks, however, tend to be laterally impersistent.
        Thicknesses greater than 50 ft are generally required for effective seals (Sluijk and Nederlof, 1984).
        A Thick seal is important and beneficial, but is does not directly influence the amount of HC column can be held. Where traps are created by fault offset of reservoirs, thickness of the top seal can be important.
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (5)
        Thickness : typical caprock thicknesses range from tens of metres to hundreds of metres (Grunau, 1987). 30 m-thick Ahmadi shales seal 74 BBO Burgan Field (Kuwait), 20 m-thick Arab CD anhydrite seal 80 BBO Ghawar Field (Saudi Arabia).
        For gas reservoirs, a thick caprock reduces the risk of substantial losses by gas diffusion.
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (6)
        Lateral Seal Continuity : in order to provide regional seals, caprocks need to maintain stable lithological character (and hence capillary pressure and ductility characteristics) and thickness over broad areas.
        Most prolific petroleum provinces in the world contain at least one of the regional seals.
        The lateral variability of the regional seal may be studied using wireline logs and seismostratigraphic analysis.
        Some depositional environments and basin settings are more conducive to the eastablishment of thick and effective regional caprocks than others.
        Geographic extent of seal rocks defines the effective limits of the petroleum system.
Factors Affecting Caprock Effectiveness (7)
        Burial Depth of Caprocks : The present burial depth of caprocks does not appear to be important factor in influencing seal effectiveness.
        Seals may be effective at all depths. However, we know that shale pore diameters do decrease with burial, particularly over the first 2 km.
        Many shallow oil accumulations occur in structures that have undergone significant uplift, bringing well-compacted caprocks close to the surface. The maximum depth to which shale caprocks once attained (maximum attained depth of burial) likely to have an influence on sealing capability.
        3.9 BBO recoverable Duri Field is sealed by Telisa shales positioned at present depth of only 100 m. 
Seal Rock Analysis
        Many stratigraphic horizons have properties of a seal; it is important to identify those that define the hydrocarbon migration (above the mature source rocks and regionally extensive) and accumulation system (have seal-transmission couplet) at the critical moment. All other seals are irrelevant to the petroleum system.
        Maps of the distribution, character, and structural attitude of regional seals are important in understanding the petroleum system.
        Seal Potential : (1) seal capacity, (2) seal geometry, (3) seal integrity (Kaldi & Atkinson, 1993)
        Seal capacity : the calculated amount of HC column height a lithology can support
        Seal geometry : the structural position, thickness and areal extent of the lithology
        Seal integrity : rock mechanical properties such as ductility, compressibility, propensity for fracturing
For a seal to be truly effective, it needs to be relatively thick, laterally continuous, relatively homogeneous, and fairly ductile (Downey, 1984).
Trap Definition and Roles
        A Trap is any geometric arrangement of rock that permits significant accumulation of oil or gas, or both, in the subsurface (North, 1985; Biddle & Wielchowsky, 1994)
        The petroleum exploration industry is primarily concerned with the search and recognition of trap.
Trap in Petroleum System
        A trap is part of petroleum system. Trap is built by geometric arrangement in a variety of ways of the two critical components : the reservoir and the seal.
        The hydrocarbon-forming process and the trap-forming process occur as independent events and commonly at different times. But the two process should be in harmony for trap to contain hydrocarbons.
Trap : Fundamental Components
        To be a viable trap, a subsurface geometric feature must be capable of receiving hydrocarbons and storing them for some significant length of time. This requires two fundamental components : a reservoir rock in which to store the hydrocarbons, and a seal to keep the hydrocarbons from migrating out of the trap (Biddle & Wielchowsky, 1994)
Trap : Critical Timing of Development
        Not only must a good reservoir and a sealed trap geometry be present for the existence of a petroleum trap, but the timing of its development must also be considered.
        The trap must be present prior to the petroleum charge in order to trap petroleum. A trap that developed too late to receive a petroleum charge will be dry. Thus, an understanding of the history of individual trap growth together with the burial and thermal history of the basin, is essential to the evaluation of petroleum prospects.
Trap Classification
        Traps are classified into structural, stratigraphic, and hydrodynamic traps (Allen and Allen, 1990).
        Structural traps : are those caused by tectonic, diapiric, gravitational, and compactional processes.
        Stratigraphic traps : are those whose their geometry are essentially inherited from the original depositional morphology of, or discontinuities in, the basin-fill, or from subsequent diagenetic effects.
        Hydrodynamic traps : are those formed by the movement of interstitial fluids through basins.
Stratigraphic Trap
        As structural traps of any size are becoming fewer and fewer, except in frontier basins, an increasingly large proportion of the worlds’s undiscovered resources are likely to be found in stratigraphic traps.
        Classification of stratigraphic traps :
q  Depositional : related to sedimentary facies changes
q  Unconformity : either above or below unconformity surfaces
q  Diagenetic : mineral diagenesis, biodegradation of petroleum (tar mats), phase changes to petroleum gas (gas hydrates), interstitial water (permafrost)
        The detection of stratigraphic traps requires a high level of geological expertise. Great emphasis must be placed on an understanding of the stratigraphic evolution of the basin, through a detailed sequence-by-sequence analysis. Of particular importance is the understanding of palaeogeography and sedimentary facies for each sequence and sub-sequence.
Hydrocarbon Generation
Effects of Maturity on Organic Matters
        The major changes to organic matter that occur with increasing maturity include three stages of evolution : diagenesis, catagenesis, metagenesis.
        Diagenesis : convert organic debris derived from living organisms into kerogen, temperature < 100 °C, mediated mostly by bacteria
        Catagenesis : Thermally degrade kerogen into petroleum,
       temperature 100-150 °C breakdown of kerogen to oil
       temperature 150-230 °C breakdown of kerogen to gas
        Metagenesis : generation from kerogen is complete, internal change of the residual kerogen to graphite, temperature > 230 °C
Petroleum Generation and Expulsion
        The generation of petroleum from kerogen proceeds via a complex series of reactions during which many types of bonds are broken as a result of thermal stress.
        The depth interval in which a petroleum source rock generates and expels most of its oil is called the oil window. Most oil windows are in the temperature range from 60 to 160ºC (140-320 ºF). Gas windows are in the 100 to 200 ºC  (212-392 ºF) temperature range. From one-half to two thirds of thermogenic gas comes from the thermal cracking of previously formed oil.
Mechanics of Expulsion
        Expulsion is also known as primary migration.
        The most likely mechanism of expulsion appears to be as a discrete phase through microfractures caused by the release of overpressure.
        The cause of overpressure in the source rock may be a combination of oil or gas generation, fluid expansion on temperature increase, compaction of sealed source rock units, or release of water on clay mineral dehydration.
        The conversion of kerogen to petroleum results in a significant volume increase. This causes a pore pressure build up which is sometimes large enough to result in microfracturing. This release pressure, and allows the migration of petroleum out of source rock into adjoining carrier beds, from which point secondary migration processes take over.
Hydrocarbon Migration
        Hydrocarbon migration (secondary migration) concentrates subsurface petroleum into specific sites (traps) where it may be commercially produced.
        If a trap is disrupted at some time in its history, its accumulated petroleum may re-migrate either into other traps, or leak to the surface.
        The main driving forces for secondary migration :
       buoyancy : caused by the difference between oil (or gas) and the pore waters of carrier beds
       pore pressure gradients : which attempt to move all pore fluids (both water and petroleum) to areas of lower pressure.
        The main resisting forces for secondary migration :
       capillary pressure, which increases as pore size become smaller when capillary pressure exceeds the driving forces, entrapment occurs.
Migration Pathways
        Petroleum will tend to move perpendicular to structural contours.
        Petroleum flow may be split when encountering a low, and concentrated along regional highs.
        The geometry of the kitchen also affects petroleum charge volumes; prospects locaed close to the ends of strongly elongate source kitchens will receive relatively little charge.
        Sealing faults may deflect petroleum flow laterally.
        Nonsealing faults allow petroleum to flow across the fault plane into juxtaposed permeable units at a different sratigraphic level.
Faults and Hydrocarbon Migration
        Fault zones can act as both conduits and barriers to secondary migrtion. The material crushed by the frictional movement of the fault, the fault gouge, is frequently impermeable and does not allow the passage of petroleum. Clay smeared along fault planes also blocks petroeum migration.
        Fractures formed in either the footwall or hangingwall, if they remain open, may form effective vertical migration pathways. This may occur in the uplifted hangingwalls of compressive faults on release of compressive stresses. Tensional fractures in the crestal zones of anticlinal structures may also allow migration of petroleum.

        Lateral migration will tend to be inhibited by the presence of faults, since they interrupt the lateral continuity of the carrier bed.
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